Why Choose SMCS?
St. Michael Catholic School is a TCCBED-accredited, TEA-approved facility that offers students a challenging academic curriculum and intellectual formation integrating faith, culture, and life. Our mission to be friendly, respectful, responsible, and Christ-like helps us stress the importance of self-discipline, good manners, and responsibility. Small student-teacher ratios allow our students to achieve their best academically and become productive leaders in the future by developing their God-given gifts and talents.
Christian Values
- Daily Religious Education
- Weekly Mass
- Reconciliation
- Sacramental Preparation
- Spiritual Retreats
- Christian Service Promoting Catholic Social Teachings
Superior Education
- State Honors in Academic Competitions through PSIA
- State-of-the-Art Technology
- Computer Lab
- Desktop Computers in Classrooms
- Individual Chromebooks for Students
- Foreign Language (Spanish)
- Fine Arts (Speech, Drama)
- Athletics